Giriş ve amaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı, gebe popülasyonunda hepatit B, C ve D virus infeksiyon sıklığının, anti-HCV seropozitif annelerin bebeklerinde ise HCV-RNA pozitifliğinin araştırılmasıdır. Gereç ve yöntem: Çalışma kapsamına, antenatal takip amacıyla başvuran 460 gebe kadın alındı. Gebelerin tümünde HBsAg ve anti-HCV bakıldı. HBsAg pozitif vakalarda anti delta total antikoru (anti-HDV total), anti-HCV pozitif vakalarda ise HCV-RNA tetkik edildi. Anti-HCV seropozitif annelerden doğan bebeklerde ise 6. ayda HCV-RNA bakıldı. Bulgular: Yaş ortalaması 26.3±4.9 yıl (19-38 yıl) idi. HBsAg 22 (%4.7), anti-HCV 6 (%1.3) gebe kadında pozitif saptandı. Anti-HCV pozitif 6 gebenin 3’ünde (%50) HCV-RNA pozitifti. HBsAg pozitif 22 gebenin hiçbirinde anti-HDV seropozitifliği saptanmadı. Doğum sonrası, anti-HCV pozitif, HCV-RNA negatif annelerin bebeklerinin tümünde 6. ayda HCV-RNA negatifti. Sonuç: Gebe kadınlardaki HBsAg ve anti-HCV seropozitifliği genel popülasyondaki ile benzerdir. Vaka grubumuzda anti-HDV pozitifliği ve perinatal HCV geçişi saptanmamıştır. Gebe popülasyondaki HDV sıklı- ğı ve HCV’nin perinatal geçişiyle ilgili geniş çaplı araştırmalara ihtiyaç vardır.
Background and aims: The aim of this study was to determine the frequencies of hepatitis B, C, D virus infection in a pregnant population and the rate of perinatal transmission of hepatitis C virus. Material and methods: Four hundred and sixty pregnant subjects who were admitted for antenatal follow-up with an average age of 26.3±49 (19-38) years were included in the study. HBsAg and anti-HCV were determined in all cases. Anti-HDV was tested in subjects who were HBsAg positive. HCV-RNA was detected in anti-HCV seropositive pregnant subjects and their babies at the 6th postnatal follow-up. Results: HBsAg was positive in 22 (4.7%). None was positive for anti-HDV. Anti-HCV was positive in 6 (1.3%) cases. Three of these cases (50%) were HCV-RNA positive. The babies of anti-HCV positive and HCV-RNA negative women were HCV-RNA negative at the 6th month of postnatal follow-up. The babies of two HCV-RNA positive women were HCV-RNA negative at the 6th month of postnatal follow-up. Conclusions: HBsAg and anti-HCV seropositivity in the pregnant population was similar to that of the general population. We did not detect any anti-HDV seropositivity and perinatal transmission in our group. More detailed studies should be performed to determine the frequencies of HDV in the pregnant population and the perinatal transmission of HCV.