Ağustos 2020

Kistik fibrozis tanılı erişkinde muhtemel tigesiklin ilişkili akut pankreatit

Possible tigecycline related acute pancreatitis in an adult with cystic fibrosis

Rashad ISMAYILOV, Şerife Gül ÖZ
Department of Internal Medicine, Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine, Ankara, Turkey
Sayfa Numaraları
Makale Türü
Olgu Sunumları
Anahtar Kelimeler
Tigesiklin, akut pankreatit, kistik fibrozis
Tigecycline, acute pancreatitis, cystic fibrosis


The aim of this case report is to increase the awareness of pancreatitisdue to tigecycline, especially in patients with high risk. A 19-year-oldmale patient with cystic fibrosis was commenced an antibiotic regimencontaining tigecycline with the diagnosis of acute bronchitis. On the12th day of the treatment, severe epigastric abdominal pain and nauseaappeared, and pancreatic enzyme levels increased 10 times more thannormal. After eliminating other causes of pancreatitis, tigecycline treatment was discontinued, and the patient’s clinical condition improvedand laboratory findings returned to normal gradually. Clinicians shouldbe careful when using tigecycline, especially in patients with high risk ofdeveloping pancreatitis, such as cystic fibrosis


The aim of this case report is to increase the awareness of pancreatitisdue to tigecycline, especially in patients with high risk. A 19-year-oldmale patient with cystic fibrosis was commenced an antibiotic regimencontaining tigecycline with the diagnosis of acute bronchitis. On the12th day of the treatment, severe epigastric abdominal pain and nauseaappeared, and pancreatic enzyme levels increased 10 times more thannormal. After eliminating other causes of pancreatitis, tigecycline treatment was discontinued, and the patient’s clinical condition improvedand laboratory findings returned to normal gradually. Clinicians shouldbe careful when using tigecycline, especially in patients with high risk ofdeveloping pancreatitis, such as cystic fibrosis

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