Nisan 2014

Gastrik plazmasitoma olgusu; Genç bir hastada multiple myelom metastazı

A case of gastric plasmacytoma: Metastasis of multiple myeloma in a young patient

Nurten SAVAŞ 1 , Figen ATALAY 2 , Şemsi ALTANER 3
Departments of 1 Gastroenterology, 2 Hematology and 3 Pathology, Başkent University School of Medicine, Ankara
Sayfa Numaraları
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Olgu Sunumları
Anahtar Kelimeler
Gastrik plazmasitoma, multipl myelom
Gastric plasmacytoma, multiple myeloma


Multiple myelom B lenfosit hücre kaynaklı monoklonal immünproliferatif plazma hücre neoplazisidir. Ekstramedüller plazmasitom ise kemik dışında yer alan bir plazma hücre neoplazmı olup primer veya multipl myelom gibi bir başka plazma hücre tümörüne sekonder olarak görülebilir. Sekonder ekstramedüller plazmasitomalar genellikle hastalığın ilerlemiş evrelerinde saptanıp genelde aerodigestif traktusta görülür. Biz de multiple myelomlu genç bir hastada mideyi tutan sekonder ekstrameduller plazmasitom olgusunu sunmayı uygun bulduk.


Multiple myeloma is a monoclonal, immunoproliferative plasma-cell neoplasm of the B lymphoid cells. Extramedullary plasmacytoma is a type of plasma-cell neoplasm in tissues other than bone that can present as a primary tumor or secondary to another plasma-cell neoplasm, such as multiple myeloma. Secondary extramedullary plasmacytoma is usually noted in the advanced stages of the disease, mostly involving the aerodigestive tract. We report a case of secondary extramedullary plasmacytoma involving the stomach in a young patient with multiple myeloma.

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